This site represents the Official England branch of the International Shinkendo Federation, the Aikibujutsu Tanren Kenkyukai and the Kokusai Toyama Ryu Renmei organisations.
These organisations were founded, and are currently directed by Obata Toshishiro Kaiso for the sake of promoting, supporting and overseeing Shinkendo, Aikibujutsu and Toyama Ryu schools around the world.
On this page you will find information about Shinkendo - Japanese Swordsmanship and its founder Obata Toshishiro Kaiso. There is also a listing for the officially licensed honbu (headquarters) dojo (training hall) based in Milton Keynes, as well as information about Aikido, Aikibujutsu and Toyama Ryu.
Shinkendo UK is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the spread of Shinkendo and Aikibujutsu within the United Kingdom.
For additional information, please visit